Brain Training & Wellness

As a digital service designed to support individuals with cognitive decline, MEMRY offers a wide range of brain, memory, and mental wellness benefits. Utilizing the latest technology and cognitive research, MEMRY can provide interactive and engaging ways to help manage and possibly mitigate the effects of cognitive decline. Here’s a list of potential benefits

Reminiscence Therapy

MEMRY’s Reminiscence therapy (MRT) involves the use of life histories – photos, familiar items, music, and stories – to help individuals with cognitive decline recall their past. This form of therapy can improve mood, cognitive function, and social interaction. MEMRY leverages various multimedia capabilities of modern smartphones and tablets to offer personalized, engaging, and therapeutic experiences.

Journaling & Family Histories Clubs & Cultures is ideal for a lifetime worth of written memories. Typed into the platform or onto a tablet or mobile.

Voice to Text conversion (Dictation), Stylus to screen, scanned notes. Group efforts with group editing facilitated with invited users.

Favourite Playlists

Music therapy has emerged as a powerful tool for individuals with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease to stimulate memory, happiness, and calmness, reconnecting them with memories and emotions that might otherwise be inaccessible. The benefits of music therapy extend beyond memory stimulation to include emotional well-being, stress reduction, improved communication, and physical health, making it a multifaceted tool for enhancing the quality of life for individuals with cognitive impairments and in calming individuals in various contexts. stores playlists and makes recommendations of great music to help…

Family members who have access to the subscriber’s account can also add music tracks remotely and save them to playlists. Notifications will advise the user that content has been added.

Music can be scheduled to be played at certain times of day to create a sense of calm or to help the user go to sleep.

Chat Bot Interactive

Incorporating our chatbot (MEMBOT) into our application designed to assist individuals with cognitive decline, especially as it handles sensitive tasks like delivering future messages or reminiscence therapy, can significantly enhance the user experience and accessibility of the application.

This approach leverages the potential of conversational AI to bridge the gap between advanced technology and the daily needs of users with cognitive challenges, ensuring they can fully benefit from the application’s features to enhance their quality of life and maintain connections with loved ones. Here’s how MEMBOT is useful across different functionalities mentioned in this document:


Enhancing Engagement with Reminiscence Therapy

Part 2

Wellness Tools and functions

Social and Emotional Wellness

Family Collaboration

Family Connectivity and Collaboration

Health & Fitness Planning & Tracking

Health and Fitness Integration

Audio/Video Group/Single Call & Texts

Totally private & secure family chat. provides a full mobile chat service

For one-to-one calls and texting, one to many audio and video calls and group messaging. It is a simplified version of WhatsApp but with full data privacy.

Calls and data shared are fully end to end encrypted.
Total privacy and security of all communications.

Only invited members can share or export data or join communications or contribute content to the chat group.

Now family and friends can chat, share messages and enjoy safe, private communications with the people they choose and know that no one can take, copy or use their data.

Keep your WhatsApp… Just keep your family out of it!

Professional & Peer Support

Support Groups: Offer access to a special area for professional and peer support groups covering a range of specialist assistance including doctor, caregivers, dietician, therapists, etc fostering a sense of community support and belonging. Calendars, updates, reports.

By broadening its features to include these functionalities, the application can serve not only individuals with cognitive decline but also their families, by storing and managing all relevant patient care data in one place.

Medical scans, reports and other files to be retained can be added and only specially approved people will have access to these documents.

Future Messages

MEMRY’s Web 3.0 application allows users to leave messages for friends and family to be delivered at future dates, including after the user’s death. This combines the immutability and security of blockchain technology with the emotional and personal aspect of leaving lasting memories for loved ones, ensuring that precious messages are delivered securely and at the intended time, even if the sender has passed away and potentially for decades into the future.

This enables individuals, such as a grandmother, to prepare video or other digital content for future life events, like birthdays, weddings, or graduations.

Here’s an outline of how such a system could be designed and operate:

The core of this service rests on smart contracts on a blockchain platform which supports smart contracts. This ensures the integrity and execution of the delivery conditions. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code such as a specific date or an event trigger (e.g., confirmation of an event like a wedding or graduation). They run on the blockchain, which ensures that the contract is immutable and distributed, making it resistant to censorship and providing a high level of security.

MEMRY’s friendly UI allows users to upload their messages, select recipients, and set future delivery dates or conditions for each message. It supports various types of content, such as video, audio, text and images.

Decentralized Storage: 

For storing large files like videos or images, the application integrates with decentralized storage solutions (IPFS, Filecoin, or Arweave) to ensure content is securely stored and persists over time.

For each message, a smart contract is created with the details of the delivery conditions and the unique hash of the content.

The smart contract includes logic to verify if the conditions have been met (e.g., reaching a certain date) and then triggers the message delivery.

Messages are encrypted to protect privacy, ensuring only the intended recipient can decrypt and view the message. This could involve public key encryption where the recipient’s public key is used.

Upon the conditions being met, the smart contract automatically executes the delivery instructions, allowing the recipient to access and decrypt the message. MEMRY’s application on the recipient’s side would then fetch the content from the decentralized storage using the hash, decrypt it, and present it to the recipient.

Family Vault: Invest for Their Future

Invest Safely For Their Future
in a Way That Has Never Been Possible or as Safe, Before Now.

MEMRY’s FAMILY VAULT: is a Blockchain based, secure investment service that allows you to invest a little now for future benefits for your loved ones. You can even automatically schedule it so that a percentage is paid to them one each birthday for the next ten, twenty, thirty years.

Your investment is stored in Bitcoin and will be held securely in a decentralized vault and will distribute the amount you wish, on the date you decide, to the person you love.

Fiat currencies collapse around us and trail the real costs of living which makes investing for your children’s or grandkid’s education, wedding, home or other life events, impossible. lets you automate future distributions at the time they will be most appreciated by your loved ones. The valuable gift will be accompanied by a recorded audio or video message from you. You will always be a part of their living memory.

Not financial advice: Future value of Bitcoin cannot be predicted. Distribution to recipient’s connected wallet at predetermined date. Greetings or gift messages can be also sent in the form of a NFT so their contents are immutable.

Digital Legacy Management

Estate Planning Tools: Offer digital estate planning tools, including secure storage for important documents like wills, trusts, and medical directives, appealing to users interested in organizing their digital legacy.

Legacy Contacts: Allow users to designate “legacy contacts” who can access certain information or receive messages posthumously, making it relevant for anyone planning for the future.

Funeral Planning & Directives: All instructions or preferences, details of the funeral parlor, any funeral plots, plans or insurances. Notes for the ceremony & images or readings requested.

All group members can contribute to the planning and leave suggestions.

Copyright 2024 The Memry Project. No part of this document may be duplicated or transmitted without express approval from copyright holder.